Imagine feeding a city for free…

It’s what we do every day.


In 2022 a group of churches across Bristol opened their doors to those in their communities struggling with the cost of living crisis as part of the nation-wide Warm Welcome Campaign.

At B&A we wanted to do something to help. We offered to do the cooking so that those hosting welcoming spaces and turning up their heating would also have a hot meal to serve their guests.

We sorted the food and they could get on with the work of serving their communities.

Within a matter of weeks we’d employed a full-time chef and B&A Meals was providing around 250 meals a week to 10 welcoming spaces across Bristol.

We thought it would just last the winter months but  2 years on we are still getting phone calls asking for meals and have branched out to providing food for holiday clubs, homeless charities, courses and we now offer delivery in our new electric van!


We now serve 450 meals a week to over 20 spaces across Bristol.

No charge, no fanfare, just nutritious hot food for those in need.


In 2023 we began partnering with Fareshare South West who source waste food and use it to fight hunger.

Since working with them we have rescued over 8 tonnes of food from going to waste.


 Partner with us


Corporations & Funds

We are currently looking for donors and trusts to invest in our work to allow us to continue providing meals.

To talk to us about becoming a funding partner, please fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch.

One-off Donations

To give a one off gift towards B&A meals head to our JustGiving page.

Every gift makes such a difference, thank you so much for your generosity!

Churches in Bristol

If you’re a church in Bristol and would be interested in hosting a meal cooked by our team at B&A we’d love to hear from you!

Please get in touch using the form below.

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B&A Meals are completely free for those that need them.

We are grateful for the support of all our partner organisations who make all of this possible.



“We at St Agnes have been so grateful to B&A for partnering with us on our Warm Welcome Space Project. When we first heard of the need, we knew that we had to respond and that God wanted us to do something in our community, but with lack of human resources as well as financial ones, we didn’t quite know what we could achieve.

B&A Meals have helped us to engage with the local community and to build something that we were not seeing before. It has started to break down barriers: those preconceived ideas that St Agnes was the ‘funeral church.’ Now people are seeing a place that is alive and wanting to share the love and goodness of Jesus. ”
— Melanie Otto, St Agnes Church Bristol


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