Ever wondered what the Baptism of Jesus means for you? Wayne unpacks Matthew's account of Jesus' baptism reminding us of some truths that, when we get them, change everything about who we are and how we live.
Read MoreWhy something that we think is bad and painful is actually good for us, especially right now.
Read MoreJoseph and Mary trusted God implicitly. When they were told to take the baby Jesus to Egypt to avoid him being killed by Herod, they did so immediately (even though it meant leaving in the middle of the night). In this talk Charles considers how each of us can develop our trust in God.
Read MoreThe wisemen had their eyes fixed on 'thing above', Herod on his insecurities and his own legacy. As we navigate our lives today, will we be swayed and sucked in by the culture around us or will be fix our eyes on Jesus because he's fixed his eyes on us?
Read MoreGod isn't afraid of messy situations, of complicated lives, or relationships on the rocks. In our messiest of moments, we often just want to escape, but will we get on board with God's plan and let him lead us through our mess?
Read MoreHow to own the family line into which we have been born and life the life into which we are called by God.
Read MoreDo you ever get tired? It might be because you’re trying to live beyond your limits or feeling trapped in some way. Jesus invites is to come to him, find rest a new way of living.
Read MoreMission was once thought of as the task of special people “over there”. Now we realise it’s the job of every Christian, how do we do it?
Read More"For God so loved..." Faith is a gift from God who has given Himself fully for us. In return we become people who give our lives away to God and others.
Read MoreThis week James introduces the second of our discipleship practices, explaining what many of us have experienced so that we can keep repeating it and growing in it.
Read MoreEver wanted to be one of those disciples who reminds others what it’s like to be with Jesus? This week James explains some steps you can take towards being that person in someone else’s life.
Read MoreNicky and Pippa Gumbel interview Jo about her time during Lockdown and how she has approached the various challenges we have all been facing. Jo describes how she has reflected on Matthew 14 and why this part of the gospel has spoken to her at this time.
Read MoreJonny Gumbel speaks about how we can be living with purpose in uncertain times. In todays' passage Esther shows how she acted with great courage and purpose even when she did not know what the outcome would be.
Read MoreSummer Sunday Three. In this shorter talk Nai Bradish looks at Lamentations 3 and talks about how they as a family have experienced God's love and faithfulness over the past few months.
Read MoreIn Summer Sunday Two, Naomi Maxwell looks at the story of Zacchaeus and what this teaches us about the power of the invitation. Naomi reflects on her memories of her late grandmother and how she was a fine example of this.
Read MoreAs part of our Focus at Home / Summer Sunday series, Archie Coates talks about Life in Limbo and how we can learn from Luke 18 to be faithful in prayer.
Read MoreThis week we look at the last chapter of Genesis which leaves us on a cliffhanger and we learn from Joseph how we can live in the collective cliffhanger that is this stage of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Read MoreHow Christians forgive in the way Jesus does.
Read MoreThis week we explore how God used one brother to put a messy family back together.
Read MoreIn times of testing like the present, do we really find our security in God? Or do we try to continue to rely on technology, coupled with our own wisdom and cleverness?
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